Star Trek Novels

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In Star Trek's alternative universe, good can be evil and nothing is as it appears. In Dark Passions, Klingons and Cardassians rule the Alpha Quadrant in an uneasy alliance that hides a viper's nest of backstabbing plots and counterplots. Seven of Nine has become a trained operative for the Obsidian Order. Her latest target: Kira Nerys, the duplicitous Intendant of Bajor, whose ruthless ambition has brought her to a position of power second only to the Regent himself, the fierce Klingon warrior known as Worf. To get close to her prey, Seven of Nine must worm her way into the Intendant's notoriously fickle affections. Easy enough to accomplish, perhaps, but it remains to be seen who is truly manipulating whom...

In Star Trek's alternate universe, Intendant Kira Nerys is now Overseer for the entire Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. She has entered into a dangerous liaison with Seven of Nine, but is unaware that Seven of Nine is actually an agent of the Obsidian Order who has orders to kill Kira when the time is right. Kira's treacherous alliance is not the only danger the Intendant faces. Both Deanna Troi, the power-hungry consort of Regent Worf, and B'Elanna Torres, the half-human Intendant of the Sol System, are threatened by Kira's unquenchable ambition, and would be glad to see her deposed — or worse. As four powerful women scheme for control of the Alliance, who will survive? And who will claim the ultimate prize?

As part of a seven-book Star Trek series called Gateways, this novel is set in The Original Series. Scattered throughout the galaxy are Gateways capable of transporting matter and energy across unfathomable distances. Left behind by a long-vanished civilization, these mysterious portals offer a means of exploration — or conquest — many times faster than warp travel. Having defeated the hostile computer program guarding an abandoned Kalandan outpost, Kirk and his crew are exploring the artificial planetoid in hopes of discovering the secret of an ancient apparatus that has hurled the Starship Enterprise nearly a thousand light-years away. Unfortunately, the reactivated Gateway has attracted the attention — and avarice — of various alien explorers, including a mysterious race who claim to be none other than the enigmatic Kalandans themselves!

Created by the ancient Iconians, the Gateways offer instantaneous transport across unimaginable distances. Throughout the known galaxy the sudden reactivation of the Gateways has destabilized interstellar relations between planets and cultures. Starfleet's finest have coped with the crises as best they can, but circumstances have forced the valiant commanders to leap through separate Gateways into the unknown. Each faces a personally unique challenge, struggling to find a way back to the ship and home they left behind. And waiting behind at least one of the Gateways are the ageless Iconians, the primordial architects of the mysterious portals causing chaos throughout the Milky Way galaxy. Where did they disappear to, many long eons ago, and what do they want now? The answer lies on the other side...

Located dangerously near the Cardassian border, the unstable region of space known as the Badlands has long been a hazard to interstellar navagation. Many starships have faced destruction there, including at least two incarnations of the Starship Enterprise...

The Badlands: Book One: James T. Kirk braves the perils of the Badlands to confront a Romulan Bird of Prey that has entered Federation space in pursuit of a fleeing smuggler. But trespassing Romulans may be the least of Kirk's problems when the mysterious forces at work in the Badlands threaten both his ship and his crew!

A generation later, Jean-Luc Picard faces the same phantom menace when he commands his Enterprise into the Badlands on a mission vital to Federation-Cardassian relations. With Will Riker's life on the line, and the entire ship in jeopardy, it's up to Lieutenant Commander Data to determine the true nature of the Badlands' hidden danger!

Located perilously near the Cardassian border, the turbulent region of space known as the Badlands has been an interstellar hazard to navagation for at least two generations.

The Badlands: Book Two: Before Captain Kathryn Janeway began her historic sojourn in the Delta Quadrant, she led the U.S.S. Voyager into the Badlands in pursuit of a renegade Maquis vessel. There she encountered the same threatening and inexplicable phenomena that had previously endangered both Kirk and Picard. Now, detoured from her mission by an urgent distress call, Janeway finally uncovers the origin of the hidden menace!

Armed with Janeway's hard-won knowledge, Captain Benjamin Sisko must deal with the exposed threat once and for all. But first the U.S.S. Defiant must battle both the Dominion and the Romulan Empire for control of an unleashed power source that could devastate the entire Alpha Quadrant!

Every year, Starfleet Academy in San Francisco attracts many of the most talented and ambitious young people in the Federation. They come from all over the Alpha Quadrant, from hundreds of worlds and species, to prepare themselves for the challenges of the final frontier.

Meet a new generation of cadets: a newly joined Trill just beginning the first of many lives; a Bajoran Vedek who finds himself torn between his vows and an unspoken love; a reckless young man fond of pushing the limits; a feline alien raised among humans; a brilliant but immature young woman with a lot to learn; and a native-born Earth woman with a talent for engineering. Together they will learn about courage, life, teamwork, and themselves. Their future is just beginning — but one of them will not survive the Academy!

When a ferocious plasma storm strikes the entire Bajoran system, Deep Space Nine becomes a port under siege, filled to overflowing with stranded space travelers, unpredictable aliens, and Klingon smugglers. Wof and Odo find themselves tested to the limit as they struggle to control the chaos that has consumed the station. But even greater danger faces Dax and botanist Keiko O' Brian when they must fly a runabout into the very heart of the storm — and encounter a stange new form of life!

Under the guise of helping the crew find a way home, a group of aliens board the U.S.S. Voyager, and then steal the main computer. To get it back, Captain Janeway is forced to negotiate with the thieves, who are from a consortium of planets where thievery is a way of life. But as Janeway and the crew fight to retrieve their computer in time to save the barely functioning ship, they become embroiled in a political battle that could not only destroy the U.S.S. Voyager, but the crew as well.

A Next Generation novel: While on a misssion to save the planet Lessenar from environmental collapse, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise is crippled by an emotional onslaught as the surviving aliens respond in anger and pain to the death of their comrade. Worf must overcome this alien influence and find the true killer with the destruction of the Starship Enterprise, the survival of Lessenar, and his Klingon honor hanging in the balance...

From KLIATT: "Here are nine short Star Trek tales about selected events in the lives of the nine hosts of the Trill symbont called Dax. The Dax character lends itself to this type of format since it has the collective memories of the nine hosts, who all led interesting and quite different lives as politicians, diplomats, musicians, scientists, explorers, and bureaucrats. Each narrative is written by a different author, most of whom have written for the Star Trek novel series or the television series. The tales are uniformly interesting and are a good addition to the Star Trek series. If the quality of the tales can be kept this high, this collection of tales could be the first volume of an enjoyable new Dax series in the Star Trek library."

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